Creating Abundance by Noticing – a C.A.N. do attitude

When dealing with uncertainty, I tend to look at what’s in my control to get a hold on things. It helps to pay less attention to what’s out of my control as such things promote more of a habit of passivity and a feeling of powerlessness. However, focusing on what I control, means it’s all on me to be the motivator, the navigator, and the driver – bringing with it pressure to do.  

Instead a C.A.N. do attitude encourages me to be more playful and adaptable. 

Creating – Bringing new things into existence. It has the feeling of experimentation, where trial and error are not just permitted but necessary to open up what’s possible. 

When creating a meal, I try to utilise what I’ve got available. Before, I may have just popped to the shop for a key ingredient, but now I look for substitutions or explore mash ups when I have things that I need to use up (tapenade with cream cheese, fresh basil and a bit of water, actually makes for a nice sauce). 

As adults, growing up with rules and ways of doing things, we sometimes forget that we’re here to create. 

Abundance – Recognising that very large quantities of X,Y, Z are available to us. We might not have the exact opportunity we want, such as catching up with a friend in a cafe, but we can still connect with them on the phone or snail mail if we’re Zoomed out. 

It’s a feeling of ‘all is well’, a faith that opportunities will come when the time is right. We don’t have to push ourselves uphill to act now. We have abundance in time and energy to act on it when we’re ready.

Yes there are finite limited things too and I don’t mean to dismiss anyone’s grief. Being abundant whilst grieving means allowing yourself to feel and acknowledge what was lost. 

Noticing – Observing, ideally without judgement of ourselves or others. If we feel a resistance, we just simply notice and acknowledge it. Rather than forcing ourselves to act, we allow the resistance – What value does it have? 

When we feel stuck, backed into a corner, there is an opportunity somewhere. It might not be easy to spot it, but it is there for us. 

Counsellor and Supervisor-In-Training in Glasgow, specialising in loss, anxiety, wellbeing. Who am I? A low brow and high brow foodie. British Born to Hong Kong parents in a takeaway. A little bit geeky, perhaps goofy (reminders from my son). Here to hold and process struggles with a pinch of humour and lightness.
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