Loss is hot, not cold. Every molecule in our body burns for an undo button. In the absence of any action we can take, the only way to calm the agitation is engulfing it through tears.
Loss is timeless. The passage of time gives us layers of memories to wrap this pit of sorrow, but when we fall back in, we feel the loss in full HD.
Loss is personal. No one else lives in our body, in our mind, and no one else can fully appreciate what we feel and what we need.
Loss is layered. It’s not just the loss of a relationship – but a friendship, a home, a way of life, an identity.
But also.
Loss can be comforting. We find kindred spirits in our shared experiences.
Loss can be embraced. We find acceptance and meaning.
Loss can be cherished. We appreciate and find a smile in the moments we did have.
Loss can be hopeful. We use the loss to provide us direction and purpose.